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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School

Rabbits - Year 2

Welcome to Rabbit Class!

Our class teacher is Miss Huetson.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Mumby and Miss Taylor who also support us with our learning.

In Rabbit class the work and activities the children undertake are based around the National Curriculum. The children are encouraged to become more independent as they progress through the year, both socially and within their work. We are always really proud to see the way that the children become ready for their transition into Key Stage 2 by the end of the year.



Over the course of the year, all children are expected to read both in school and at home. We encourage children to read a range of different texts as well as those they enjoy most. In Year 2, the children are sent home with a book based on a range of spelling rules they are learning during their phonics lessons. The children are also encouraged to read books within our class library as well as any books they have at home.

Parents/carers can log their child’s reading activity in their reading diary. In return for regular reading entries, they will earn raffle tickets each term and are entered into a school-draw. One child from each class is drawn each half-term for the chance to win a brand-new reading book!



PE lessons will take place for an hour, twice a week. Our PE days are on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Each week we will have one indoor session and one outdoor session, weather permitting. Children may come to school in their PE kit on PE days.

Please could you ensure that long hair is tied back, and any jewellery can be removed by your child before the lesson. Children must be able to remove earrings independently before participating in PE.


Home learning:

At the start of each new term, your child will be sent home with a set of nine new home learning challenges. The children are able to choose six pieces of home learning challenges over the term to complete. At the start of the year, children will be sent home with a home learning book to record the home learning challenges they have completed. The children should bring in their completed home learning challenges once a week to be marked. Once they have been marked, these will be returned.

Rabbit class will also have spelling activities sent home on a Friday based on the spelling rule they are learning that week in phonics. The activity will also contain extra information about the spelling rule for parents/carers to support their child’s learning at home.

Trips and visitors:

In Year 2, we learn about animals including humans and their habitats during the Spring Term. To help develop our understanding and to be able to look at different animal species, we visit the Woodside Zoo. Here we look a a range of different animals, where they come from and what they eat!