Music is an exciting part of life at Morton CE Primary School and we are very proud to offer a wide range of experiences for all of our pupils.
We use a teaching scheme called Music Express for whole-class music lessons which includes lots of opportunities to use tuned and untuned percussion instruments. Particularly for our children aged 2 to 6yrs, songs are used as part of daily routines and are used across other lessons, such as Mathematics.
We have singing assemblies and collective worship, involving the children from Reception to Year 6. All classes take part in performances each year including class assemblies, child-led church services and nativities performances. Nursery and Reception work together to perform at a singing event for families, at Christmas, called Music and Mince Pies!
We have a thriving school choir for children in years 4, 5 and 6. The choir performs at many events including church services, visiting care homes, an academy singing celebration and at Lincoln Cathedral.
We are delighted to have 2 visiting music teachers for individual piano and woodwind/brass lessons. Children who play instruments have opportunities to perform for the school and parents. Some children go on to take music exams.
Experiencing live music through visits from amateur and professional musicians is another wonderful way in which we ensure that music is woven through the children’s primary school journey .
Samba group at Morton's Got Talent - All children are invited to perform any 'act' they choose at this yearly event!
We took a group of children to take part in SambaFest at Bourne Westfield Primary School where over 800 children were playing instruments as part of a giant Samba experience.
Cross-Arts Day
We held a 'Georges Seurat' Cross Arts Day involving Music, Drama, Dance, Poetry and Painting. All the classes across the school took part.
Otters Class recreated his famous pointillist painting 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte'.
Hedgehogs created collaborative paintings.