Deer - Year 4
Welcome to Deer Class and our Year 4 pupils.
Teacher: Miss Emma Warren
Support Staff: Mrs Tracy Antcliffe (PPA Cover)
In Deer Class, the children participate in an engaging and creative curriculum which has been designed to interest and challenge all learners. During this exciting learning journey, the children are supported and encouraged to become independent learners and to tackle challenges with increased confidence and enthusiasm.
During the year, the children will experience a range of enriching experiences. These include our European languages day where the children of Deer Class learn some Italian key vocabulary and short conversational phrases as well as learning more about the country. A popular activity of this day is tasting some traditional Italian foods.
A memorable topic for many of the children in Year Four is Ancient Egypt, here our history learning is enhanced by closely linked writing opportunities and a celebration day where we all dress up and ‘learn to walk like an Egyptian’.
Over the course of the year, the children are expected to read at both school and home. The children are encouraged to read a range of texts. We undertake daily whole class reading lessons where children will be immersed in a wealth of enriching text by a range of fantastic authors. We shall also explore a selection of poetry and further our knowledge with non fiction texts too.
PE will take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Wednesday will be our outdoor lesson (weather permitting) and Friday our indoor session.
Please ensure children wear their PE kit to school on these days (Navy shorts, Blue T-shirt, trainers and an appropriate hoodie and joggers if needed. In Autumn term 2 hats and gloves may be beneficial when we play Hockey- it can become very cold.
Please also ensure that long hair is tied back, and any jewellery is removed either in the lesson or before school.
Home learning
Children in Deer Class are always encouraged to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
Each term a menu of tasks will be sent home, in a pack with all the resources needed. Children then choose a different task each week and submit this for marking by Thursday. Homework will be marked and returned on Friday (unless otherwise informed.)
The expectation is that homework is presented neatly as if it was work completed in school. No highlighters of felt pens to be used unless directed by the task.
In addition to these tasks, it is an expectation:
That all children will be reading on a regular basis (at least 3 x per week) Reading should be recorded in reading records each week, so raffle tickets can be awarded.
Practise and learn X tables (Government expectation is that Y4 children will know all tables to 12x12 by the end of y4) This should be several times a week.
Learn their weekly spellings –looking up the meaning of any which are unfamiliar. Spellings are given termly in homework packs and indicate the date of the spelling tests.
Trips/ Visitors
In Year 4 we learn about the Tudors and make local links to William Ceil who was born in the Parish of Bourne and is known as Lord Burghley, as part of this work we take a trip to Burghley house to participate in a wonderful Tudor workshop, we have even been given a tour of the house by the infamous Tudor- Henry VIII in past visits.
Occasionally, we have online zoom calls with well-known authors.
In the Summer term all the children in Deer Class go swimming each week.
Statutory assessments
The Year 4 children are required to take the Statutory government Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) in June. This tests their recall of multiplication facts up to 12x12.