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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School


Many of our children have excellent attendance and this leads to good progress at school. However, we are concerned about the attendance of some of the pupils in our school. We know that children who miss school regularly, find it difficult to get back into the routine of school life. Those children often miss important chunks of learning and if their overall attendance is low, there is little opportunity to fill these gaps in school time.



We are currently working in partnership with families to support their children being in school. If you feel your family would benefit from additional support do contact Mrs Thomas via the school office.

We are aware that there has been a sickness bug going around at the moment. As a school, we are continuing to remind children about the importance of washing their hands. Children with colds are allowed in school. We will contact you if we feel your child is not well enough to be in school. Thank you for trusting us.

There will be some instances when your child is unable to attend school because of illness e.g. they have a high temperature, they have been sick, they are really unwell and you have contacted the doctor.


Parents must report all instances of pupil absence

Please ensure all pupil absences are reported to the school office by 9am. This can be done via the absence line, parentmail or by email.

Please make sure you contact the office every day of your child's absence to report the reason that your child is away from school.


New attendance rules and guidelines from August 2024